Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Work.....hard work

So, I've been working here at the University for what is now my 3rd week. I like all my co-workers and we have a lot of fun together.....but I have this problem. I can't seem to find the motivation to do ANYTHING work-related lately. I think it's because I've been working in an annual community for the past 2 years and now that I'm here and my RA's don't come back for a month I just want to chill and hang out with my co-workers haha. I will do the work, but part of me just thinks "eh, do it tomorrow". It's horrible! I feel like such a schlub, but at the same time over the past two weeks I've done a lot of learning, about: how my community works, how the department works, who our campus partners are, what I need to do to prepare. I've been getting all my ducks in a row you could say, now it's just a matter of walking those ducks somewhere to do something...anything lol

In other news I've been researching doctoral schools, Towson will pay for tuition at ANY state school in Maryland and all I have to pay for is the fees....the max at any school I would have to pay is $855.00 a semester. Um, if I can get my doctorate for $855.00 a semester you better BET I'll be doing it. Ever since I started researching it, I've found myself more and more excited about it and the possibility of going back to school. In the past couple of months I have had this perpetual feeling that I was missing something, and now I've figured it out...school. Going to classes, absorbing information, utilizing it for research and the betterment of not only myself, but my career as well is something I'll never grow tired of. I've always felt that education was one of those things that you could never have enough of. I'm still researching and hopefully will have more info on that later.

Hope all is well on your side, lovely followers!
I'm out like a trout :-D

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I've been feeling the exact same way!! Not having students around makes me do strange things (i.e. read blogs, lots of them). I think next summer will be different when I have that list a mile long of things I wish I had time for during the year but couldn't get to. This summer, that list doesn't exist.

    And that's so exciting about going back to school. I must be a true turkey cause I am LOVING the freedom I have (check out my blog with the list of books I've read since I started here a month and a half ago). I think I'm still educating myself! Good luck!
